Find hillmen


I've just hit level 30 and want to complete the Race of Man deed "Enmity of the Hillmen" and get myself a nice new racial trait.

Unfortunately, I've not come across a hillman yet in my travels.

Whereabouts can I find Hillmen and, for a bonus, where can I find the lowest-levelled Hillmen to make my life a bit easier?

Best Answer

Hillmen can be found in:

  • Agamaur (Lone-Lands)
  • Garth Agarwen (Lone-Lands)
  • East of Estedlin (North Downs)
  • Fassach-Falroid (Angmar)
  • South Trollshaws (Trollshaws)
  • Evendim -- These are around level 36, and are called Gauredain. They can be found all over
  • Hillmen are also found in Forochel, Dunland, and Eregion.

You can see this page for information about the various Hill-men in LOTRO.

Also, see if you can find a group who is also grinding Hill-men, it will make things a lot faster!