Find location when flying a lander in KSP


How can you find a location when flying a lander in KSP? I have a contract to collect soil samples from specific zones on Minmus. The locations are shown with pink sample bags in the orbit map, but aren't marked in staging view.

I can activate navigation to the location. This adds the pink sample bag symbol to the navball on the direction to the location. When flying over a location I'm looking down on the top half of the navball, but the mark for the location is conveniently located on the bottom half.

Landing somewhere near the locations doesn't work because they aren't visible to the Kerbal on an EVA (and the Kerbal doesn't have a navball).

How can I find these locations while flying my lander?


These locations are not ordinary objects. You can't set them as a target, only "activate navigation".

activate navigation

Only descending into a crater so that a location was above me could I get a good enough idea of which direction it was.

in crater

This is the view of the navball from almost directly above the location. Notice there isn't an anti-location marker.

blank navball above location

If I roll the craft over the location marker is visible on the underside of the navball.

location marked under navball

The above series of actions isn't a solution. It's an aggressive 500 m/s Δv maneuver to demonstrate the conundrum.

Best Answer

What you want is the In-Flight Waypoints plugin:

A rover full of kerbals on the surface of Kerbin. A waypoint icon is displayed on the ground nearby.
Click to view full size.

The KSP developers have even highlighted it on their dev blog. Hopefully this becomes stock soon.