Find Oil


In Starbound, there are many new things introduced into the game in the Nightly builds (for the upcoming Winter update). One of which is many changes to progression…

I'm up to a part where you're meant of craft Steel. Except Steel is not crafted from a Metalworking Station (made of 1 Iron + 1 Coal). Instead, it is made from an alloy furnace using 3 Oil + 1 Iron.

Iron is plentiful for me; I can find them easily by digging further down into the surface of a planet. But I've haven't come across any signs of oil.

Question: Where does oil commonly spawn?
Is there a minimum planet treat "level" (not a number) or is it tied to specific biomes? Or what?

Best Answer

Oil can be found under the surface, in caverns of Desert planets.


  1. The wiki:
  2. This picture:
    The dark water is oil.

The dark water seen in this picture is not water found in the underground tar biome (stable builds). They inflict a debuff when walked into and can be mined with a liquid-upgraded Matter Manipulator.