Fire Emblem Awakening – Do Paired Units Proc ‘To All Allies’ Abilities With Their Mate?


Suppose Chrom and Female Main Unit are paired on the battlefield. Female Main Unit is a Bride and has the Bond ability. Chrom is a Great Lord.

At the start of my turn, Chrom is in front, and Female Main Unit is acting as the "support" unit in the pair. Will Bond proc, even though Female Main Unit isn't technically on the field? If it does proc, will it affect Chrom, who is occupying the same space as Female Main Unit rather than an adjacent / nearby square?

Finally, does Bond apply to Female Main Unit? The person who has the ability? The text of the ability states:

Restores 10 HP to all allies within a 3 tile radius at the beginning of the user's Turn. Having multiple users of Bond does not increase the HP regenerated

Technically Female Main Unit is an "ally" of herself, and she's "within 3 tiles" of herself. Does she heal from her own Bond ability?

Best Answer

Firstly, recovery skills like these don't activate if the unit is acting as a support unit. The unit has to be in the front.

In FE, "nearby allies" in skill descriptions mean "same-team units in other tiles". The character with Bond will not receive the heal, and neither will their paired up partner. Other nearby units, paired up or not, will be healed. Basically the same as the Rally skills.

This detail is probably a leftover from how the Rescue mechanic worked in earlier titles. It feels intuitive as an FE veteran.