Flickering random white points / lines on black shadows / textures

graphics cardtechnical-issues

I have a problem that's never occurred before. In the majority of games, part of textures are flickering and some weird white points / lines are randomly appearing on black textures. I already reinstalled the drivers, etc. but it didn't help.

Do you have any idea what it could be? Do I have to reinstall the whole system?

I have a laptop with i7, 8gb ram, radeon 5850 mobility and 7200 rpm hdd's.

this is the video, so you know how it looks like:

Anyways, you have you set the youtube video settings at HD at least, below 720p it is blended. I recommend 1080p

Best Answer

Symptoms like these can sometimes be caused by overheating.

You may be able to diagnose this by "cold-starting" a game. Leave your computer completely off (no sleep/suspend mode, though hibernate is fine) for several hours, say overnight. When you turn in back on, immediately start a game and see whether the symptoms are lessened/abated until the computer warms up. If so, it's very likely an overheating issue.

In either case, it's probably worth doing a bit of "Spring" cleaning. Grab a can of compressed air, open any customer-serviceable sections of the computer (often, the keyboard, battery, and sometimes memory or HD slots) and give everything a few good blasts. Pay particular attention to any exhaust vents, which you'll usually find around sides of the laptop and sometimes on the bottom as well.

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