Foundry – is number/time of unclaimed limited


Since there is a limitation of our inventory when it comes to warframes and weapons for example I was wondering – since I'm crafting most things ASAP as I get their blueprints and the materials…

Is there a limit of how many items ready to claim I can have in foundry
+ do they stay there forever until I claim them or they can dissappear one day?

I've read that if item dissappears from foundry I can send a ticket, but I'm not very good with my memory so I would probably notice I'm missing an item but wouldn't remember which one. Does this happen often or does it even happen anymore now?

Best Answer

At the moment I have managed to craft all frames and available prime frames (besides Nezha), as well as about half the weapons (primes included), and about 80% of all my stuff is still in the foundry.

Safe to say that if there was a limit, I would've reached it long ago.

No, there is no limit of how much stuff you have in your foundry that is unclaimed.

Edit: Though you aren't allowed to have multiple instances of the same items in the foundry (i.e. you can't craft a new forma while having a finished forma unclaimed).