Free-To-Play item that the character can hold in Runescape that increases experience output, even slightly


Not sure if this is a duplicate.I have been playing Runescape for five years now, and I have been wondering if there is an item that I can hold that increases how much experience I can get. For example, if I cut down an oak log, I would normally get about 40 experience. Is there an item that I can hold that will increase this to, let's say, 45 experience or higher?

Best Answer

You can have urns in your inventory that will grant bonus experience in fishing, cooking, mining, smithing, woodcutting and prayer. The lower level urns are free to play items.

Also, cooking on a bonfire will slightly increase the cooking xp gained, as will burning logs on a bonfire instead of burning them normally. The lower level bonfires are free to play.