Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Furniture Spawn Manipulation and Money Trees Guide


You can manipulate which trees will drop furniture when you shake them by planting a certain number of trees in order, guaranteeing that you get furniture from the same two trees every day.

  1. Cut down all trees on the island (except fruit trees)
  2. Buy 7 tree saplings from Nook's Cranny
  3. Plant 5 of them
  4. Wait until the trees grow
  5. Once they're fully grown, plant the remaining 2 trees (furniture will drop from these)
  6. Once they're fully grown, you're done!

Guide source here

Does planting money trees interfere with this manipulation?

Best Answer

Money trees turn into "regular" deciduous trees once they've been shaken for their moneybags. While I don't exactly understand how the guide is manipulating the tree mechanics, it hinges on there being exactly 7 trees.

If you plant a money tree, you have 8 trees, and all bets are off.