Fus Ro Dah


I haven't yet played any Skyrim, but over and over I hear people saying they "fus ro dah"ed something or other. It also seems to have become a meme of sorts.

What is Fus Ro Dah? It sounds like it must be something that pushes given the way its used in sentences. What does it mean in the context/story of the game?

If my car broke down, would I need to Fus Ro Dah it to a mechanic?

Best Answer

Fus Ro Dah is the first shout in the game you learn: Unrelenting Force.

It sends enemies staggering back, and was first used in the Skyrim Trailer.

The trailer, however, doesn't do a very good job of capturing the feel of a "proper" Fus Ro Dah.

I direct you here:

So in conclusion - I would not FUS RO DAH my car to the mechanic, unless you wanted to buy a new car.