Gaining the “I Believe I Can Fly” Achievement in Just Cause 2


I can't find the best place to Base Jump in order to get the "I Believe I Can Fly" Achievement in Just Cause 2. Any of the mountains I scale widen too quickly in order to me to find a clear path that I can reliably control my descent while also achieving the 1 km drop I need in order to get the achievement.

I've tried it from the "highest point" of Panau Island (and I'm sure it's the highest point because I got the achievement for standing there), but I just wrecked into a tree and/or the ground frequently, because I can't get far enough away from the mountain-side. None of the landmarks I could find (Three Kings Hotel/Towers, Rocket Launch Pads) are high enough, and I am assuming that I cannot just do it from a plane nor helicopter. Though, admittedly, I haven't tried that yet.

Is there more than one place 1 km high that I can fall from in order to get the achievement? Should I be able to do it from any mountain tall enough provided that I control the skydive maneuvering well enough?

Best Answer

The Mile High Club, which can be found in the top right corner of the map, is the most immediate option that comes to mind. Confirmed by Poindexter, thanks!