Games slowing down with Xbox Wireless controller on PC


I have recently noticed that my games are very slow while using the Xbox Wireless controller with my computer. I originally thought my computer had slowed down but I also tried configuring my PS3 controller over Bluetooth and I noticed that the slowness is completely gone.

I tried both controllers on Borderlands 2 and Tomb Raider. In both games, even if I reduce the graphics to minimum 800×600 resolution and put all settings to lowest, there are still lags in the game time to time.

Note that this is not lag with the controller commands. The buttons I press respond just fine, but the game itself freezes or framerate drops while I'm using the Xbox wireless controller. But when I use the PS3 controller, I can run both games at 1200×800 resolution and some graphics settings at medium.

It happens with both my Mac and my PC.

What could be the cause of this slowdown and how do I fix it?

Best Answer

According to a post on Xbox Support forums many users face this issue on Windows 8, but not 7.

If you are using Windows 8 you'll have to hope and wait for a driver update then it seems.