General strategy for limited steps Portal levels


One of the challenges in Portal was to try to complete certain levels while taking a minimum number of steps. Obviously this requires good use of portal placement, but I was never able to get anywhere close to the goals. I don't want a walkthrough for the specific levels, but could someone give some general techniques that you use to complete these type of challenges?

Best Answer

  1. Steps inside the elevator don't count. If you run and jump out of the elevator, it only uses 1 step (if you don't move forward when you land).
  2. Falling from one portal into the other is very useful and uses no steps. With forward momentum and perfect portal shooting, you can chain a series of portals so that you jump into one on the floor, come out of the ceiling ahead, shoot and fall into one further ahead on the floor, shoot and fall out of one further ahead on the ceiling, etc. (YouTube example for #1 and #2)
  3. As you mentioned, portal placement. A lot of the levels can be navigated around with only a couple steps if you're "thinking with portals".

Those are how I got all the gold achievements for steps in Portal, nothing more complicated.