Get a helicopter for Lester’s mission


On mission where Lester ask you to get documents on the top of a building, you need a helicopter.

My partner and I went in the airport, top of the hospital, airport in the middle off the map, south beach and we didn't see any choppers.

My partner called in a helicopter from his contact list but we couldn't control it. We got killed while the chopper was standing just above the building.

For that mission, do we need to own a chopper or can we find one on the map?

Best Answer

This mission is a bit frustrating if you don't own your own chopper. It may be that the devs forgot to enable the construction site elevators.

Luckily there is a way to get around this at lower levels.

First call in the Merryweather chopper for a pickup. When it lands, shoot the pilot in the head. You now have a chopper to use. Next either land the chopper on a nearby tall building's roof and clear the upper floors of the construction site with sniper rifles

Or go to Fort Zancudo and steal a attack helicopter. They still spawn there during missions.

Otherwise save up the cash and buy a personal chopper.