Get each of the following currencies


In The Secret World, there are six currencies as far as I can tell.

These are:

  • Black Mark of Venice
  • White Mark of Venice
  • Sequin of Solomon Island
  • Sequin of the Valley of the Sun Gods
  • Sequin of Transylvania
  • Black Button

The sequins are given as a quest reward in each of the relevant areas, so completing quests on Solomon Island will reward you with Sequins of Solomon Island.

Where do I get the Black/White Mark of Venice and Black Buttons from?

Best Answer

Black Mark of Venice => PVP

White Mark of Venice => PVP

Sequin of Solomon Island => Solomon Island Zones (kingsmouth, Savage Coast, Blue Mountains)

Sequin of the Valley of the Sun Gods => Egypt zones

Sequin of Transylvania => Transylvania zones

Black Button => Nightmare Dungeons