Get easy double kills with the Fusion Rifle


I have a Vanguard bounty ("Overcharge") to "kill 2 enemies at once with a Fusion Rifle, 20 times". I've tried cornering enemies to get the double kill, but it doesn't seem to count. Is there an area or technique that is most efficient for completing this bounty?

Best Answer

The temples under the Moon are a good place to earn this Bounty. Play your favorite Story mission or Strike and you will inevitably be attacked by swarms of Thralls who love to charge you head-on, in single file. They also have low health stats, so the fusion rifle is more than capable of tearing through them and getting three or four dead in one burst. I doubt you get additional credit for killing more than 2 enemies at once, though.

Pocket Infinite is a fusion rifle that fires like an automatic. It can make Fusion Rifle multikills much easier to acquire on any location.