Get matched against players of much higher level and prestige rank


This only started happening when I was about a 3rd of the way through the first prestige level. All of a sudden I'm getting matched with players who are in their 5th, 6th ,7th prestige. When I first entered prestige, I was getting matched with level 40-55 and 1st prestige; now I'm at level 36 of the first prestige and am getting dominated by masters and higher prestige players. What's the deal? How does matching work and what can I do to prevent getting matched with players well above my skill level?

Best Answer

Dependent on the Game-Mode, Prestige levels do not make a difference. CoD creates matches based on the players and not their level - Teams are then 'equally' split to make the game fairer; this is based on prestige and your ratios.

Lobbies are generated at random once you reach a Prestige level and above, thus enhancing gameplay and giving you a more 'realistic' feel...