Getting a PS3 for Ratchet & Clank Future. What about PSN


My brother plans to get a PlayStation 3, and I get to play on it. That means I'll finally (!) be able to play the Ratchet & Clank Future series.

In the wake of the recent attack on PSN, I'm now rather cautious about getting a PS3, more so than I want to be. But in any case, what do I need to know or be wary about regarding PSN, specifically for the new Ratchet games? Even basic questions like "do I need an account for these games in the first place?" would be good for an answer, because I can't really find much info addressing that. I'm equally interested in what I'd be missing out on if I stay offline, though.

I know that demos are available on PSN, but since I'll be buying the games anyway I probably don't need them. I'll also be going to the store and buy the games from there, instead of purchasing online.

Best Answer

If you play games without signing up to PSN then you will not be able to download any patches or updates for the games. This would mean missing out on additional features added after the game was released, and of course any bug fixes. How important this is depends on the game, as some games get a lot more post-release support than others.