Getting competitive ban revoked in CS:GO as it was not even a mistake. Is it possible


I was playing competitive in Dust2 map. SO there were these griefers who when on Terrorist side when having bomb would purposefully throw it in enemy line and die themselves. When it was CT time for my team, my role was to throw incendiary in B side upper tunnel to block their rush. But these guys would just stand in the flames and die. Thus, I got notices about team damage and finally got banned. I was playing fair game helping team, but these griefers's actions got me 7 days ban from competitive.

Is there any way this ban can be revoked?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no. According to the knowledge base, cooldowns are non-negotiable, and cannot be removed by Steam support. (source)

In this situation, I probably would have avoided using grenades, and reported all of the griefers, since griefing is anticompetitive behavior, and can be grounds for an Overwatch ban.