Getting over the “unlock hump” on the Moon


My progression on Earth and Mars is going quite smoothly…I am able to double up on Angels in quite a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the Moon. I'm having a real hard time getting over the "unlock hump", as I call it. Most of my investments have an insane multiplier for their next unlock, but along with that require a crazy number of investments. Screenshots below for reference.

The problem is that I still have a lot of investments to go to unlock anything new, but my income rate is making development glacial. I'm having to pay in the sexvigintillions and up for new investments, but my best investments are only earning quinvigintillions. I already have quite a few angels (in the undecillions, see final screenshot), but it's also taking forever to "double up" on them. Upgrades are also a long ways away, and wouldn't help much anyways. So I'm not sure how to proceed.

Is the Moon supposed to be this hard, or am I missing something? It seems odd, considering that Mars is going quite well for me. I've considered purchasing another golden ticket, but I'm not sure what I would put it on, or if it would even really help…


Moon investments

Upcoming unlocks

Upcoming unlocks



Best Answer

I tend to use the Moon Guide that someone posted on Steam. There are many graphs on Earth, Moon, and Mars showing the profit gains. Here's the guide for the Moon:

It's very lengthy, but here's the first part that gives a brief strategy without going into specifics.

This strategy works by making you hit milestones which multiply the profit gained from businesses. What follows is a brief list of things you should aim for, followed by a lengthier explanation which tries to be a bit more elaborate, especially if you are stuck at certain parts. The list only contains business-specific milestones. You should purchase upgrades on your own. For the "x of everything" milestones, check out the table below.

Reach the following investment quantities in that order:

  1. 160 Moon Shoes (cost ~ $233,846)
  2. 120 Payday Clones (cost ~ $140.458 million)
  3. 90 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $12.788 billion)
  4. 64 Cheese Mines (cost ~ $7.554 trillion)
  5. 180 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $29.874 trillion)
  6. 128 Cheese Mines (cost ~ $18.854 quadrillion)
  7. 150 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $9.926 quintillion)
  8. 360 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $162.992 quintillion)
  9. 450 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $392.363 nonillion)
  10. 2880 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $3.365 septentrigintillion)
  11. 2160 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $93.007 unquinquagintillion)
  12. 2600 Helium-3 Farms (cost ~ $8.154 quattuorquinquagintillion)
  13. 2300 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $326.993 quattuorquinquagintillion)
  14. 3500 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $674.175 quinquinquagintillion)
  15. 2540 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $7.571 sexagintillion)
  16. 3800 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $26.648 sexagintillion)
  17. 3000 Helium-3 Farms (cost ~ $15.506 duosexagintillion)
  18. 4100 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $1.053 quinsexagintillion)
  19. 3000 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $175.647 septuagintillion)

So that's very basic milestones you should aim for, but the guide is very in-depth if you want to learn strategies for overcoming that hump we all hit on the moon.