Getting the reward in Zeryphesh


I remember travelling in the Frosted Hills and encountering a group of injured Zeraphis and their ambassador Lord Taldimut.

He offered two quests, which I completed in due time, the Zeraphi Envoy, and the Lost Key.

After I finished the Lost Key, he said:

This is it! The Golden Gear! I thank you on behalf of all the Zeraphi
people. This might just have tipped the battle in our favor! I can
only offer you this as payment, but if you are ever in Zeryphesh, come
find me and I will grant you a proper reward!

I've already reached Zeryphesh, and I still haven't found him. Does he actually appear as an NPC and give a reward? Does he only come after certain missions or during a certain time? Or does he not show up? (I'm currently on the quest where you have to complete favors for the Djinn)

Best Answer

It is indeed just words. There was a quest called The Key To Victory that was unfinished and thus does not appear in the game which explains this. In this quest, you encounter Taldimut again in the Ossean Wastes where he asks you to use the Golden Gear to re-activate the portal in the Celestial Armory dungeon.

The quest can be found in the Unearthed Arcana mod which fixes and adds this as well as a lot of other content that's not used or unfinished in the game.