Go offline after starting a game that needs Games for Windows Live


I am planing to play Batman Arkham City or Fable III on a trip by train on my laptop. Both are Games for Windows Live games.

The games already have save games that I would like to continue playing.

I have mobile UMTS USB stick, that allows me to connect to the internet, but I'm afraid this won't hold the connection while going 150 km/h 🙂

Can I safely disconnect from the Internet after I started the game or do these games require to be always on (will it affect my ability to save a game, gain achievements)?

Best Answer

This is how it worked for me (using Steam and GFWL), without the need to change anything for Batman Arkham Asylum

The first time

  • I started the game with Steam and GFWL (being online the whole time)
  • After a few minutes I lost connection and disconnect
  • I played for roughly 4 hours and got the achievements for steam and GFWL (I got the popup
  • At some point I exited the game
  • When I tried to restart Arkham City Steam told me that it couldn't sync my savegames (because I was still offline) and playing the game now may result in losing my progress
  • Consequently I didn't start the game
  • Later when I could go online, I started Steam again in online mode, started Arkham City and saw that my progress was saved and everything was good :)

The next time I was offline the whole time

  • I started steam in offline mode
  • and Arkham City just started normally and GFWL didn't complain about being offline

In Conclusion it seems that you can play one session completely offline but need to be online between sessions, so that your progress is saved.

According to the comment my assumption was false. Therefore it really seems that you can play GFWL games offline (via steam?) without any problems.