Go to London if I want to look cool? Or can I buy cosmetic clothing anywhere else


I'm playing as a member of the Illuminati, and I've noticed that New York is… well, there's a lot of things wrong with New York but among those things is a distinct lack of shopping opportunities.

In London I can buy tacos from a horrific monster, securely store my things in a bank vault, and even interact with the outside world by the modern miracle that is a 'postal service'.

Most importantly though, in London, I can hob-nob with the fashionable set, and buy all manner of new duds for my conspiracy-unraveling Magic Gumshoe. After all, if the world is coming to an end, I might as well try to stop it in style, right?

However London is big, and inconvenient, and full of Templars (who smell funny).

Can I get that stuff that's being sold in London (or other equally stylish stuff) anywhere else?

Is there a clothing vendor I just haven't found somewhere in New York or Seoul, or is London just inexplicably better than the other two faction capitals?

Best Answer

No, you have to go to London to buy your stuff. London is set as main social hub and there are no plans to change this.

Update 1.1

This patch added a pair of clothing vendors to Seoul.