Hearthstone – Effective Strategy Against Antonidas and Timewarp Mage


I am really frustrated about the Mage archetype that uses immunity to stay at 1 health for many many turns until it can play timewarp and antonidas and wreck you with spells.

Please recommend good strategies against it. The only ones that I can realise so far are:

1) running eater of secrets, which has not proved useful against any other opponent.

2) playing "An Eye for an Eye" just before she intends damaging you, when she does not have a secret active. This requires an almost preternatural reading of her actions.

I am interested in all classes, but especially Paladin and warlock


It seems that secret hunters appeared in greater numbers following the release of Frozen, so Eater of Secrets may now be viable.

Best Answer

Warlock you just lose. The class is in a bad spot right now. The only thing you can really do as a Warlock right now is play a super aggro version of the deck and force the Mage to use their removal on your minions before they can reach the cards they need for their finishing combo. Handlock loses almost all the time and discard Warlock is utterly useless against quest mage.

Paladin has a couple of options. Sure, eye for an eye is useful, but only if you time it correctly and the mage has 6 or less health. You can play eye for an eye and the mage WILL kill themselves. Make sure you also have more than 6 health because the game will end in a tie. More often than not, a paladin class will be able to boost their minions attack to overpower the removal effects of the Mage class. Just make sure you watch out for turn 3 and turn 7 board clears with cards such as Flamestrike and you should be okay.

To your other point about Eater of secrets, it's useful in a couple of match ups. Paladin uses redemption still in the current meta sometimes, mage it's super powerful and hunters always run at least a couple. It's stats are not great, but against other classes you can run it out for tempo.