Good tactic to maintain a good food supply in Banished


Every time I start a city I run into food issues very quickly. Even when I got like 10 or 15 population with 3 fishing places and a hunters hut producing thousands of units of food.

What is a good tactic to go for first when starting out to get a good food supply going at the beginning?

Best Answer

I suggest you watch some Let's Plays to get started.

Here are some quick tips though:

  1. Search for a nearby forest and build a gatherer and a forester, gatherers produce a lot of food and the foresters will make the forest denser, giving more food.

  2. Build houses close to the jobs, it will save travel time and this enhancing production.

  3. After you get the gatherer, build a hunters cabin, and if the size of the forest allows it, repeat step one out of the radius of the first gatherers hut collection zone. I don't know a lot about fishing, but i think a hunters cabin is better because you get leather from hunting

  4. if you are playing on easy and medium, don't start with crops, if you get an early winter you aren't going to survive.

  5. Take care that you never run out of tools.

I have a town of around 600 people now, doing amazing. The problem I'm having now is that my jobs are not equally spread, so some people have to walk so far they die of hunger on their way to their jobs, true dedication!