Got all sorceries, but didn’t win the Trophy


Here's some other information I can add:

  • In this playthrough I used the Bottomless Box trick;
  • I won the Pyromancies Trophy without having all pyromancies with this char.

I have all sorceries from this list.

I really don't want to play all the game again to get all those spells again. Any ideas?

Best Answer

From what I've been able to find, there's no record of the spell acquisition trophies being glitched in Dark Souls. It may be a stupid comment, but are you absolutely sure that you have all the sorceries? You've probably double- and triple-checked, but just in case.

My only other thought is that by using the BB glitch, you've glitched the trophy. Googling the glitch doesn't turn anything up but I can see it being possible. Did you use the glitch to acquire any of your sorceries? If so, try re-acquiring those that you used the glitch to get. Apart from that, I have no idea; it may be necessary to just bite the bullet and play through again with another character.