Half-Life Dedicated Server Error. Unable to load engine, image is corrupt. Windows 7


I want to make a Counter-Strike 1.6 dedicated server. When I run hlds.exe it shows this error:

Half-Life Dedicated Server Error. Unable to load engine, image is corrupt. Windows 7

I tried three different counter strike but same error. Does anyone have an idea what's wrong?

Best Answer

The best way to install the Counter Strike 1.6 dedicated server is by using Valve's hldsupdatetool and using the command line to update/install the server directly from Steam.

  1. Download hldsupdatetool from Valve
  2. Create a directory to hold your server files, such as C:\cstrike16
  3. Copy hldsupdatetool.exe into this folder
  4. Open a command prompt
  5. Change directory to your server directory (ie, "cd C:\cstrike16"
  6. Run hldsupdatetool to download the server files:

hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir .

You might have to run this command a couple of times, as Valve frequently updates their update tool. When the update tool's out of date, you'll update the tool instead of the dedicated server files. I know at least on Linux the updater downloads a differently named updater (ie, the command changes from hldsupdatetool to steam) so watch the updater's output carefully.

There's also a pretty good guide with screenshots on CStrike Planet if this isn't enough to get you going.