Overwatch – How to Deal with Hard Focus and No Team Support in Overwatch


When playing Mercy on ranked games, I get focused really hard by the enemy tanks (specially by Winston and D.va) and my team seems to not care about it most of the times as I play solo and communication at low elo (~2000) doesn't always work as it should.

My main concern is to be healing our tanks most of the time and that leads to be playing near the enemies and sometimes being really exposed.

So, is there anything I can do myself to avoid getting killed by enemy tanks that jump onto me?

Best Answer

While switching to a different character is certainly a valid tactic, there are a few things you can at least try as Mercy before giving up.

Your dash is your main safety valve. Try and be aware of where your teammates are, and who you can dash to to get out of trouble.

It's especially useful to dash to someone at a higher elevation. Mercy's ability to slowly float to the ground lets her stay in the air for quite some time. This could make you a more obvious target if your enemies are paying attention to the skies, but if they're already focusing on you that's not a big deal. It can be very helpful to have a Pharah around, so you can fly up in the air with her.

Also, consider staying back behind most of your allies. If your tank runs off to attack the other team by themselves, that's their mistake. Don't encourage them by following. If every time they back up to the group they get healed, it will give them incentive to group up more.