Harrison Jones and its usage


I recently acquired Harrison Jones, the legendary card.

I thought it would serve as a great substitute for Acidic Swamp Ooze, but I haven't had the success in regards to destroying a weapon with Harrison Jones and getting a decent amount of cards.
Usually I destroy the weapon, and get 1 card – since those I have faced use a weapon with 2 durability.

My real issue is that I don't have a clue in which deck / hero I should combine it into.
HearthPwn has a long list of decks where Harrison Jones pops up now and then, but I cant seem to find a suitable combo and usage of Harrison Jones.

What are some great ways to use Harrison Jones and in which Hero combo?

Best Answer

There are no particular combinations, it depends entirely on whether your opponents play enough weapons for him to be worth it.

Harrison Jones is a 5/4 minion for 5 mana. You can get a 4/5 Chillwind Yeti for 4 mana, which is probably one of the best plain minions. Compared to that Harrison Jones is not a very good minion if you don't get to trigger his special ability. But a 5/4 for 5 mana is also not terrible.

But I think you're underestimating the value you got in the situations where you played him. Even one card drawn and 1 durability destroyed is a pretty good outcome. You denied your opponent card advantage they might have gotten from using their weapon a second time, and you gained 1 card advantage yourself from drawing a card. That is pretty good already.

The situations where Harrison Jones would be devastating would be enemies that use the following weapons:

  • Paladin: Sword of Justice 1/5
  • Shaman: Doomhammer 2/8
  • Warlock: Lord Jaraxxus 3/8
  • Rogue: Assassins Blade 3/4
  • Paladin: Light's Justice 1/4

Harrison Jones is a very situational card. It depends entirely on the current meta and the opponents you face whether it makes sense to use him in your deck. In a very weapon-heavy meta he can be very useful, against a weaponless opponents he's a rather expensive and mediocre 5 drop.