Have any Pokemon that were unavailable until Pokebank received Base stat changes


I mean,did pokemon that were unavailable before pokebank was released(e.g Zekrom) receive any stat changes?

Best Answer

There aren't any Pokémon in XY with changed base stats that require Bank to obtain - all of the ones that were changed are obtainable in XY in one way or another. The full list is below:

Generation 1: 14

  • Butterfree (+10 Special Attack)
  • Beedrill (+10 Attack)
  • Pidgeot (+10 Speed)
  • Pikachu (+10 Defense, +10 Special Defense)
  • Raichu (+10 Speed)
  • Nidoqueen (+10 Attack)
  • Nidoking (+10 Attack)
  • Clefable (+10 Special Attack)
  • Wigglytuff (+10 Special Attack)
  • Vileplume (+10 Special Attack)
  • Poliwrath (+10 Attack)
  • Alakazam (+10 Special Defense)
  • Victreebel (+10 Special Defense)
  • Golem (+10 Attack)

Generation 2: 4

  • Ampharos (+10 Defense)
  • Bellossom (+10 Defense)
  • Azumarill (+10 Special Attack)
  • Jumpluff (+10 Special Defense)

Generation 3: 2

  • Beautifly (+10 Special Attack)
  • Exploud (+10 Special Defense)

Generation 4: 2

  • Staraptor (+10 Special Defense)
  • Roserade (+10 Defense)

Generation 5: 7

  • Stoutland (+10 Attack)
  • Unfezant (+10 Attack)
  • Gigalith (+10 Special Defense)
  • Seismitoad (+10 Attack)
  • Leavanny (+10 Special Defense)
  • Scolipede (+10 Attack)
  • Krookodile (+10 Defense)

Source: Serebii