Have enough room but still needs more for high density


So I was zoning my city, doing some experiences and then after I planned the layout of the roads to get the maximum number of High Density buildings back-to-back, I was very happy with the result and started buying the roads and zoning all over the place.

But then, after a while, buildings wanted to upgrade their density so they did it, but noticed that a row of houses didn't increase. Moused over the houses and they said:
"Not enough room to increase density"

I checked the size that the houses needed and the little rectangule is green,
and green = good to go? (See picture below)
enter image description here

The road of the houses is the best quality, and I dezoned that area just for demonstration. And I don't want houses or anything else in the main avenue.

So.. how is the game not upgrading the houses? Seems like everything (or not, for some reason) is perfect for the grow…

Best Answer

The little rectangle will be green because you are zoning residential. The color of the rectangle indicates the space available:

  • bright green : all densities may fit.
  • darkened green: only room for low density. (as seen in picture)
  • red: no density will fit.
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