Hay Day diamond buying list


Is there a page/wiki shows each items in the game (Hay Day) cost how many diamonds? I am currently trying to figure out the requested items in boat order list worth how many diamonds.

Best Answer

List of Cost in Diamonds of completed products (Alphabetical):


Item Name   ProductionDiamonds
Chili Pepper4 Hours   7       
Cotton      2.5 Hours 7       
Soybean     20 Minutes2       
Sugar Cane  30 Minutes3       
Tomato      6 Hours   8       

Expansion Items:

Item Name   Diamonds
Land Deed   12      
Mallet      12      
Marker Stick12      


Item Name   ProductionDiamonds
Chicken Feed5 Minutes 2       
Cow Feed    10 Minutes3       


Item Name   ProductionDiamonds
Blue Lure   1 Hour    34      
Gold Lure   30 Minutes83      
Green Lure  1.25 Hours19      
Purple Lure 45 Minutes53      
Red Lure    1.5 Hours 5       

Upgrade Items:

Item Name   Diamonds
Bolt        8       
Duct Tape   8       
Nail        8       
Plank       8       
Screw       8       
Wood Panel  8       

Utility Items:

Item Name   Diamonds
Axe         4       
Dynamite    3       
Saw         5       
Shovel      10      
TNT Barrel  7       

Other Products:

Item Name   ProductionDiamonds
Brown Sugar 20 Minutes5       
Cheese      1 Hour    22      
Cherry Juice2.5 Hours 40      
Fish Fillet 2 Hours   11      
Syrup       1.5 Hours 17      

Other Services:

Service Name   Diamonds
Get Boat Now   5       
Publish Advert 1       
Remove Advert  1       

*Note: I am going to keep updating this list as I go, since it has been a long time and no answer, I might as well start an attempt.

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