The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim – Heart Consumption Notification While Not a Werewolf: Explanation


At random times during gameplay (mostly after killing someone), I will get the notification saying that I just consumed a heart and that it contributed to my next Werewolf Point. Eventually it said that a new Werewolf Skill is available.

I read something similar can happen while being a Vampire when Serena is following you. I know it can't be that, because I still have Serena following me, and she's a Vampire. Also, since re-becoming a werewolf, I have not turned yet (I originally was a werewolf, but became a vampire for their quest line, and returned to being a werewolf afterwards).

So to recap, I am NOT in Werewolf form and I keep getting the Heart consumed notification.
Is there a way to fix this?

Best Answer

This has been a bug since the beginning, and there is no fix.

The bug is probably due to erroneous delay of the messages, and, according to Arthmoor (author of the unofficial patches, and general Creation Engine expert):

It's an engine bug with no solution. I don't think anybody even knows how to reliably trigger it, and we certainly can't fix it.

The bug might eventually fix itself (i.e. disappear).