Heavy performance issues after location changes


I bought Skyrim recently. As the title suggests, my performance drops after entering and leaving houses a couple of times.

My build is Intel i5 quad core processor, NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti from Gigabyte (stock-OC, manually downclocked to fix the CTD issues I had before with Skyrim and BF3), 4GB RAM

A game tweaks website suggested that my slow hard drives might be a problem. A screenshot of a Windows Performance Index sample with the subtitle "This is likely to cause issues" showed the HDD with a performance index of 5.9, the exact same mine has, so I am considering purchasing an SSD.

I've tried different solutions: ENB Series, removing certain mods, checking my FPS Rate, monitoring my resources, .ini tweaks. It's all just fine, I don't see what I'm missing. Any thoughts?

Best Answer

Have you been using many mods? Some are known to leave garbage data in saves that slows the game down after the mod has been updated or removed. Try starting a new game with 0 mods and see if the slowdowns continue.

Also, make sure your mods are compatible with the version you're running.