Help Clint woo Emily


Clint the blacksmith is clearly smitten with Emily, my sister-in-law. Is there anyway to get the two of them together?

Best Answer

As you foster a better relationship with Emily and Clint, Clint will approach you in several ways to help act on the crush he has on Emily.

I have Emily and Clint maxed at 10 hearts, and I can say that the following has happened up until Fall of Year 2:

1) Clint asks for advice in speaking to women as the MC seems to be doing fairly well in this regard*. This scene occurs in the Saloon and any option used in the advice proves comedic.

2) Clint recruits you to be a delivery-person to give Emily an amethyst on his behalf.

*- This first event occurred around 4/10 hearts with Clint and 6+ hearts with most of the female marriage candidates. I'm not sure if the dialogue changes for a female main character (MC).

I have already tied the knot with Leah, and I have yet to see any other NPCs develop their 'natural' relationship.

There are some interesting dialogue entries from Emily regarding how lonely Clint must be at his shop though, so I suppose he might be striking while the iron is hot.