Help! I walk through every door I try to open!


I'm playing a new game of x-com: Enemy Unknown, and the first mission my x-com soldiers were able to perform was capturing a landed UFO.

Due to a combination of random chance and luck (bad or good? I can't say…) I have secured the entirety of the exterior space with nary a Sectoid or Floater to be found. I have my soldiers massing in front of the landed UFO, but so far the aliens want to do this, "the Hard Way".

Obviously, charging straight through and triggering all kinds of reaction fire from however many completely healthy aliens remain aboard is a Bad Idea. But in the various farm doors, etc. that my x-com agents have used so far, they seem dead set on only opening the door when they want to pass through it.

How can I open the door to see what's in the room while not also simultaneously moving through the doorway? I could have sworn I was able to do it previously, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to do so again.

Best Answer

In UFO: Enemy Unknown (also known as X-Com) there was no way to open a door without passing through it to the next tile. If I remember correctly, they implemented right-click to open the door in Terror From The Deep.