Help with running Siege Of Avalon


I didn't remember the name of this game, and some of you on this site helped me. Not only did you give me the name but you showed me were to buy it. Thank you so much.

Now I just wished I could play it. I have Windows XP. I have tried the program compatibility wizard with no luck. I tried running it in windows 98 with and without 256 color and the same for disabling visual themes. I have tried every combination.

There are two different things going on.

The first is when I try to start the game, it goes to just a black screen, and when I try to get back to my desktop or exit the game it freeze's up. The only way I can get out of the game, other than manually restarted my computer, is to eject the game disk, then put it back in, then this box comes up saying that the program is not responding, then I push end now. After it ends the game restarts from me putting the game disk back in.

Now that's a lot of trouble just to play a game. But I would play like that if it wasn't for the color problem. Everything but the people comes out purple and green. Please help me if you can, I would love to play this game thank you.

 Siege Of Avalon

Best Answer

Sounds like this game is in need of a patch. The latest one I could find is here:

The above link has some install instructions and seems to contain all the previous patches.

I wouldn't trust the later version patches from