Horizontal distance in scope of Battlefield 3


Does anyone know if the scale between the vertical dot distance is 1:1 with the horizontal dot distance? In simple terms:

For the time it takes the bullet to drop 1 dot, is the same it takes a player moving at constant speed to move 1 dot across the scope? I know that it all depends on the speed of the player, but is there set ratios? So for a static weapon (L96 with 12x scope):

While player is running without sprint:
1 vDot = 1hDot

while player is running with sprint: 1vDot = 1/2hDot

While player is in a vehicle: 1vDot = 1/10hDot

EDIT: Added some more info based on the answer i got.

EDIT 2: I am not asking how to snipe. I already know how to do that. I am wanting to know if there is a reliable ratio or not.

Best Answer

I don't think that there are a reliable ratio.. cause there are a LOT factors you have to consider..

for example:

  1. the distance between you and the enemy
  2. the difference in height. is your position "over" the enemy? is he on a highground?
  3. the enemy movement. as you mentioned: running with(out) sprint, etc
  4. your stand: stay, crouch, prone
  5. enemy stand
  6. the bullet drop of the weapon
  7. the scope you attached to the weapon (ACOG, 8x, 12x, ...)

i think the only reliable is training. the more you play the more you get used to all of the aspects you have to consider.

EDIT: This video shows a few tips, tricks and hints. I think this is a good video for the basics:

(sorry for my english.. i'm not a native speaker)