Housing zones not rebuilding


One of my cities had a small accident (not an ingame disaster).
I went afk for a bit when i came back a lot of my houses had burnt down or were abandoned, so i destroyed them.

My problem now is that none of the buildings are being rebuilt.
I have tried unzoning and rezoning it but with no luck.
Both residential and commercial zones seem to be affected..

I'm also facing a bit of a crime spree in my city since this happened, i placed 3 police stations in my city to clean this up but with very little luck.
My biggest concern is that the houses are not being rebuilt, thus i am losing population and income.

Best Answer

Do you have residential demand? It can take some time for houses to become needed, especially if your current residential areas are fulfilling the working needs of your city. Have you tried zoning more industry/commercial too?

The game is a balancing act, ensuring there is demand of people/goods etc so you can supply more and continue this. Main thing is to check your demands for zones and what levels of zones (perhaps you have no demand for low level housing, so you need to improve other areas first to meet the higher level demands?)

As for the crime issue, that will likely take some time to clean up, but it will right itself eventually if you have 3 stations.

Without seeing pictures of your game, only ideas can be given really