How are great works’ perks shared between the various cities in the different regions


In regions that have many great works, how are the perks shared?

I have read the responses in the following thread: Does a great work bring benefits to the entire region or just to the 4 cities which built it?

However, how does it work when it comes to the 7 cities regions (Edgewater Bay/Reflection Atoll) or the 10 cities region (2×5 Granite Lake)?

Best Answer

The cities that are clustered to that great work get the benefits of the great work.

The 7 city maps have 1 great work site. All 7 cities are clustered to it.

The 10 city map has 2 great work sites. 5 cities are clustered to each great work site.

Any given city site benefits from exactly one great work site.