How are players matched when creating a new town


I ask because in my first town there were a couple of people with experience, and the rest were almost entirely new. My second town again had a couple of people with experience, and the rest had been in 1-3 towns before.

Is there some mysterious skill assessment going on that ensures the people I'm working with will be steadily more mature? (please say yes)

Best Answer

  • Non heros join a town randomly from those available.
  • Heros get to choose what town to join.
  • You can't (directly) join advanced towns without 100 SP.

However, when you join a city, you drag with you as many available people from your coalition as possible -- regardless of their soul score.

This gratuitous formula explains how many soul points you get by surviving for n days in a city:

Don't worry.

See the Die2Nite guide for more, especially on the meaning of the term "surviving". There are many corner cases, like death by addiction, that discount your last day.

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