Orcs Must Die – How Are Points Calculated?


I am playing the demo of Orcs Must Die! and trying to understand how points are calculated and how to increase the points I get when I finish a mission.

Just to make an example, I reached about 26K points in the first mission The Hallway, but looking at the overall leaderboards plenty of players went over 40K.

In which points category should I concentrate more?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It has been published a mini-guide called "Mastering The Leaderboards" on devs blog.

In an effort to help those high-score-chasing War Mages out there, I sat down with one of our programmers to pull out information about exactly how your performance affects your leaderboard score in Orcs Must Die! Here's a look at exactly how many points you get for your various murder methods in the game. Here's a handy graph of how everything you do in the game affects your final score:

  • Combat Kill 50pts
  • Trap/Guardian Kill 100pts
  • Rift Points remaining 100pts x Rift Point.
  • Combo x3 200pts
  • Combo x4 400pts
  • Combo x5 800pts
  • Combo x6 1,600pts
  • Combo x7 3,200pts
  • Combo x8 6,400pts
  • Combo x9 12,800pts
  • Combo x10 25,600pts
  • Combo x11 51,200pts
  • Combo x12 102,400pts
  • Combo x13 204,800pts (by Radiokenny Jan 19, 2012)
  • Combo x14 409,600pts (by Radiokenny Feb 5, 2012)
  • Bonus: All Rift points remaining 10000pts
  • Bonus: >= 75% Rift points remaining 5000pts
  • Bonus: >= 50% Rift points remaining 2500pts
  • Time: Subtracts/Adds 1 point per second over/under par time.

In addition once you get to Nightmare, the points for Combat and Trap/Guardian kills double.

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