How are the Koopa Trace Walking and Picture Match challenges graded


In the Trace-Walking challenges, Mario must

walk along a path, which he can no longer see after a few moments; if he gets a high enough score, he wins a Power Moon. For the Moon Rock bonus moon, he must simply earn a higher score on the same challenge.

In the Picture Match challenges, Mario must

take the parts of a Goomba’s or his own face and place them on a blank face. If he scores high enough, he gets a Power Moon. Thanks to Moon Rocks, he can earn a second moon in these challenges by doing this again with nothing but the face’s outline helping him.

My question is: how are these graded? Toad in the Picture Match puzzles claims that it’s graded on accuracy, but that doesn’t explain how much is deducted for what type of errors.

I’m grouping these two challenges together because I’m assuming that, while each is slightly different, the scoring will be along the same lines for each, since both involve matching something to a disappearing background. But correct me if I’m wrong.

Best Answer

I would guess that:

  • Trace-Walking is graded on the perimeter of the outline the straightness/circularity of the edges, and the position of the corners (if any).
  • Picture Match is graded on the accuracy of each piece's position and rotation.

The grading would be primarily based on deviation. A perfect score would be an exact recreation. A 100 is still awarded for very minor deviations from the target. As the amount of deviation from the target increases, the score goes down, probably linearly.

(disclaimer: this is mostly instinct and logic, with not much hard proof)