How are the rewards for Warzone Firefight determined


Warzone Firefight is a co-operative game mode where you kill a lot of AI baddies while using reqs like a traditional Warzone game. I've played several games in this new mode, and it's quite fun.

My question stems from the fact that I've received significantly different rewards from my several games. I've received anywhere from 4(!) gold(!!) req packs after a match to… nothing.

My initial thought was that a player's ending score influenced the rewards they got, perhaps combined with whether their team succeeded or not… but my recent game saw my team wining and me racking up a whopping 37k points to receive no rewards whatsoever.

How are these rewards determined?

Best Answer

Warzone firefight commendations now award gold packs. There is also a bonus system for victories.

1st win: 1 gold pack 5th win: 3 gold packs 10th win: 5 gold packs