Titanfall 2 – How Did I Get 2 Points in Titanfall 2 Multiplayer


So I just finished a game in Titanfall 2 (Xbox one) where I ended the game with 72 points. I had;

  • 10 pilot kills
  • 20 minion kills (no titans).

How could I have ended up with 72 points?

I'm under the impression that pilot kills are 5 points and minions (spectra and grunt) are 1 point so it would work out to be (10 x 5) + (20 x 1) = 50 + 20 = 70

Is there a rule regarding assists or something that I've been missing this whole time?

Best Answer

Well, it isn't quite as cut and dry as your math suggests.

First, any activity done in the Epilogue will not count towards your point total, but will show up in the totals for Pilot, Titan, or Minion kills.

Secondly, if you killed a Reaper that will yield +5.

So, a plausible scenario could be


Pilots   Titans    Minions (+1)   (+5)
  9        0                17      2


Pilots   Titans    Minions (+1)   (+5)
  1        0                 1

Which would yield a total of 10 pilot kills, 0 titan kills, 20 minion kills, and a game total of (9*5)+(17*1)+(2*5) = 45+17+10 = 72.

I am not saying this is exactly what happened, but this would be one possible way for how you would see that type of breakdown.