Clash Royale – How Did People Stay at Level 1 but Their Units Are Not Level 1?


I wish I was smart enough to have taken a screenshot but I didn't. Will do so next time I see this. In Clash Royale, there were some replays shown on TV Royale where the player was level 1 but:

  1. They were fighting in Arena 5 or 6
  2. Their units were not level 1 and
  3. Those units were found in arenas higher than Arena 1

I'm just curious, how did this happen or why did the game let this happen? This was the craziest thing I saw within the game and I saw it at least 3 times on replays.

Best Answer

They were fighting in Arena 5 or 6

They won enough trophies to reach these Arenas.

Their units were not level 1

You can upgrade cards past level 1 and as long as your total xp earned from doing so remains less than 20 your king tower level will remain at level 1.

Those units were found in arenas higher than Arena 1

They won enough trophies to reach the Arenas in which these cards were unlocked from chests or purchased from the shop.