How did the three clones of Big Boss compare when it came to height


I'd love to know the ratio of height between Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake.

Was there ever any mention of height? (Like Liquid mentioning it when talking about being in Snake's shadow, etc.)

Were there any scenes where it could have been inferred visually?

Or is it even feasible that the clones could have differed in height from each other or Big Boss himself?

Best Answer

Through various sources I have compiled the following bio stats, where they have got the stats from I'm unsure however:

  • Solid Snake was 178cm in 1999. This was cited from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - User's Manual, Konami Corporation (1990).

    Interestingly he is also stated as 182cm from 2005-2014. This is cited from The Mk.II displays this information on-screen in-game and also the Japanese Konami website

  • Liquid Snake is 183cm cited from Konami

  • Solidus Snake doesn't list a height I'm afraid. I can't find anything from any notable sources.

  • Big Boss is 192cm cited from Konami entry for Big Boss, but also stated as 180cm for 1999 cited from the same user manual as the 178cm entry for Solid Snake.

So really, being cloned seemed to f*ck shit up and make them grow a few inches between games. Big Boss grew 12cm between beginning of the series to the end, and he wasn't even a clone.