How do all the flashbang-like grenades work


There are three flashbang-like grenades in Planetside 2: heavy assault troopers get a concussion grenade, light assaults use flash grenades, and infiltrators can carry EMP grenades.

They all have a similar purpose: disable hostiles, making it easier for your squad to sweep the area and making return fire more difficult.

But they seem to have different effects. What other differences are there? What is their effect radius? Is there effect reduced at further range? Is there some indication that a target is affected by such a grenade? Basically, I'd like a fairly in-depth description of all these devices.

Best Answer

After testing these grenades in a (relatively) controlled environment, I have acquired these fairly accurate details. I even used a stopwatch.

Flash grenade:

  • 4-second fuze.
  • whites out the screen, including the HUD. Takes 8 seconds (at point blank) to dissipate completely, but vision starts returning at 5 or so.
  • works regardless of facing. Turning away from the flash won't help.
  • effect diminishes with distance. At 5 metres the screen isn't completely whited out. Barely any effect at 10.

Concussion grenade:

  • direct action (impact) fuze.
  • impairs vision within 10 metres of blast.
  • slows down turning at 15 metres.
  • duration is approximately 6 seconds.
  • effect seems to be somewhat randomised or vary with distance.

EMP grenade:

  • direct action (impact) fuze.
  • effect radius is 10 metres.
  • disables personal shields.
  • disables HUD for approximately 8 seconds. This includes the crosshair, but iron sights and scopes can still be used.
  • slightly impairs vision.
  • effect does not vary with distance.