Final Fantasy 15 – How Do Bonuspell 1 and 2 Work?


I have added the Bonuspell (receive an extra spell when crafting) and Bonuspell 2 (receive 2 extra spells when crafting) in the Magic Ascension Tree.

My understanding is that after I craft a Magic spell that I would receive 2 additional magic of the same type in 2 magic flasks.

For example, I have 3 Magic Flasks. I craft a Thunder spell. After crafting, it will fill a Magic flask plus 2 (Bonuspell 2) of the same spell.

However, when I do the above I only get 1 spell which is the spell I crafted. The spell is not duplicated with the ability I purchased.

Am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

I think you're misinterpreting what Bonuspell does.

It doesn't fill an extra flask of that spell, rather, it grants you an extra use of that spell in that flask. If you'd normally get 3, you'll have 4, etc.

The post here confirms this:

Just gives you one extra use of a spell you make (or 2 for the upgrade).