Guild Wars 2 – How Combos Work


I see some of my skills say something like 'combo finisher (projectile)', but I don't think I've ever done a combo. How do they work?

I always solo, is this only for multiple characters or can they be done by a single character?

Best Answer

Each combo begins with a Combo Field that places an AoE/barrier field and ends with a Combo Finisher, which is triggered by Blasts, Leaps, Projectiles, or Whirl finishers. You can see in the description of a skill whether or not it will combo. If a skill can combo at all, it will list it as the last item in the skill description.


The following table shows the different types of interactions.

Field        Blast Finisher     Leap Finisher   Projectile Finisher     Whirl Finisher

Dark         Area Blindness     Blindness       Life stealing           Leeching Bolts
Ethereal     Area Chaos Armor   Chaos Armor     Confusion               Confusing Bolts
Fire         Area Might (x3)    Fire Armor      Burning                 Burning Bolts
Ice          Area Frost Armor   Frost Armor     Chilled                 Chilling Bolts
Light        Area Retaliation   Retaliation     Remove Condition        Cleansing Bolts
Lightning    Area Swiftness     Dazing Strike   Vulnerability           Brutal Bolts
Poison       Area Weakness      Weakness        Poison                  Poison Bolts
Smoke        Area Stealth       Stealth         Blindness               Blinding Bolts
Water        Area Healing       Healing         Regeneration            Healing Bolts 

Combo fields actually can be done by a single character, as long as you start with a skill that is labeled Combo Field and end with a skill that is labeled Combo Finisher.

For example, when a Ranger uses the Torch's offhand Bonfire skill, they can then use Splitblade Axe main hand skill to throw the axes through the Bonfire and create burning projectiles axes that cause Bleeding!