How do Grineer damage resistances work


In damage 2.0, Grineer soldiers have different damage resistances and vulnerabilities on their flesh and armour. For instance, a Trooper has a 25% resistance to Slash damage from his Ferrite Armour, and a 25% vulnerability to the same Slash damage from having Cloned Flesh.

How do those stack?

Best Answer

There's an extensive paragraph describing the damage calculation on the wiki.

The short version is: multiplicatively with weights.

The slightly-less-short version is: armor adds its own multipliers on top of health's multiplier (cumulatively) and reduces damage the health takes. However,

  • the more armor the enemy has, the more weight armor's multiplier has over health's multiplier,
  • damage types strong against armor reduce that protection (dealing more damage), while damage types weak against armor increase that protection (dealing less damage) - on top of the damage multiplier.

(Copied from my answer to a similar, but much broader, question.)